Domain Promo Codes is a provider of web tools and services that has recently been subject to Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks. They wish to announce that their website is now finally back and live.
Denial of Service attacks are malicious attempts to make a web resource unavailable to intended users. Motives and means for such attacks vary. Often it can be as a result of the actions of competitor websites. When multiple systems are used to cripple the functioning of the intended victim website or resource, the term Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks is used.
Preventative and response measures exist to defend and deal with DOS and DDOS attacks. Some of the common methods used are discussed on Wikipedia
Denial of Service attacks are malicious attempts to make a web resource unavailable to intended users. Motives and means for such attacks vary. Often it can be as a result of the actions of competitor websites. When multiple systems are used to cripple the functioning of the intended victim website or resource, the term Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks is used.
Preventative and response measures exist to defend and deal with DOS and DDOS attacks. Some of the common methods used are discussed on Wikipedia
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