Our Mission
Maintaining a sense of balance and perspective against the backdrop of a world that sometimes seems dark and delirious.
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Material reproduced here from third parties is done with the permission of the copyright holder or else on the understanding that the work is in public domain. Always and everywhere we try to provide correct attribution as to the source. We are happy to correct any mis-attribution or to remove any copyrighted material upon request from the copyright holder. Any such requests should be referred to the Editor who can be contacted by e-mail.
Where payment has been received for certain posts, this will be indicated within the post itself. Sponsored posts are for products and services we genuinely feel offer value, service or benefit to our readers. We do not necessarily offer endorsement nor do we act as agents for same. We recommend that you exercise due caution and necessary diligence when responding to offers from third parties.
Maintaining a sense of balance and perspective against the backdrop of a world that sometimes seems dark and delirious.
Policies and Disclaimers
Material reproduced here from third parties is done with the permission of the copyright holder or else on the understanding that the work is in public domain. Always and everywhere we try to provide correct attribution as to the source. We are happy to correct any mis-attribution or to remove any copyrighted material upon request from the copyright holder. Any such requests should be referred to the Editor who can be contacted by e-mail.
Where payment has been received for certain posts, this will be indicated within the post itself. Sponsored posts are for products and services we genuinely feel offer value, service or benefit to our readers. We do not necessarily offer endorsement nor do we act as agents for same. We recommend that you exercise due caution and necessary diligence when responding to offers from third parties.